Attn: Women Entrepreneurs
Coaches, Trainers, Authors & Speakers, Service Providers

Do You Want More Clients Happily & Eagerly Paying You for Your Expertise?

If your answer is a big YES, then you want to attend...

The Entrepreneur's 6-Figure Blueprint: A Proven Path from Struggle to Profit!

Nancy Matthews

The Visionary with Guts!
Founder, Women's Prosperity Network, Int'l Speaker, 6x Best-Selling Author

Building a Six-Figure Business Doesn't Have to Be So Hard

Let me show you the pathway with nuts and bolts so you can get there with far less stress and more free time and money.

This training will show you:

EARNING WHAT YOU'RE WORTH: How to start earning what you're worth even if you don't have a website, business card or big social media following.
MAGNETIZE WITH YOUR IRRESISTIBLE OFFERS: The way to price your offers so they are attractive, enticing and have prospects saying, "Yes, I've got to work with you!" 
MORE MONEY, MORE FREE TIME & LESS STRESS: How to fill your pipeline with qualified leads so that you stop wasting your time with tire kickers and looky-loos.

"Quit my job"

For 12 years I wanted to quit my job to go full time with my own business. This course let me finally do it!

Rita Thomas

"$10k Per Month"

I just want to say thanks for your coaching. I made over $10k last first 5-figure income month. More to come!

June Lyle


Using this system I had my first 6-Figure year and I created digital courses and a membership too!

Dotty Scott

"Higher Paying Clients"

Since stepping into coaching I'm enrolling more clients at the highest investment with ease and look forward to sales calls.

Stacey Murphy

"$10K in Record Time"

Thanks to the support and systems from WPN I was able to hit my goal of $10k in just 5 months -- record time!

Stephanie DeWayne

"My Funnel Works!"

Thanks to WPN's systems and trainings, I finally have an online funnel that makes money. Pivoting from in-person to online was key!

Dr. Patricia Rogers

"Best Investment"

I am awash in business! WPN was the best business investment I ever made. I get a better ROI with this than from my MBA!

Andrea Feinberg

"$3K in 4-Days"

In just 4 days after taking the training I brought in $3,000 in a brand new business! Thank you WPN for showing me exactly what to say and how to say it.

Christina Stuart

Now let's get YOU those type of results!

Step Into the Money Matrix & Get The PROVEN Six-Figure Blueprint 

The Proven Way to Earn Great Money AND Make a BIGGER Impact

Wednesday, May 29th

4pm to 5:30pm EDT


We've served over 10,000 people through the global community of Women's Prosperity Network


Speaking Presentations 


Podcasts & Interviews

I'll be sharing the exact system I used to go from living paycheck to paycheck to being a sought-after international speaker, consultant, coach and 6x bestselling author. This is YOUR time to shine!

Nancy Matthews

Co-Founder, Women's Prosperity Network

Nancy brings more than 30 years of experience and the perfect blend of business expertise, authenticity and heart to all her endeavors.  Nancy and her sisters, yes, real sisters, founded Women’s Prosperity Network in 2008 and they have served over 10,000  people through their collaborative network, educational and inspirational programs, coaching and mentoring.

From Struggle to Profit
Get The PROVEN Six-Figure Blueprint 

The Absolute Best Way to Earn Great Money AND Make a BIGGER Impact

Wednesday, May 29th

4pm to 5:30pm EDT

Copyright 2024 © Women's Prosperity Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 

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 for The Six-Figure Blueprint 

Choose the date that works best for you and let's hit it out of the park in 2022!






4pm to 5:30pm
90 Minute Training

We process your personal data as stated in our Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.



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